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  • 9 August 2007
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EMTA General Meeting 4-5 october 2007

The meeting will take place in Stockholm.

  • 9 August 2007
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Brussels public transport on the move

Following extended works since 2005 on the tram network which aimed at redesigning some routes, extending others and creating a new line 4 linking north to south and upgrading the rolling stock with the purchase of Flexity Outlook T300 (189 passengers capacity) and T4000 (258 passengers capacity), the disclosure on 4 June of the new

  • 9 August 2007
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Tramway lines expand in Barcelona

The Trambaix line southwest of the conurbation expanded last April to reach Sant Feliu de Llobregat. The station allows interchange with local bus routes and a 65 slots park and ride facility. The expanded line now 15 km long serves 29 stops of which 3 are interchanges with underground metro and one with suburban trains.

  • 9 August 2007
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The future of transport in Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Transport Authorities GMPTA was given approval for launching a first consultation of stakeholders, on the proposal of a bid to UK Department for Transport for the Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) scheme. It would be a £3bn package of transport funding and the introduction of a road congestion charging which would represent the biggest

  • 8 August 2007
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Urban mobility in cities makes its way up on European Commission’s agenda

Since January this year, European Commission made broad consultation of stakeholders involved in urban transport with a view to prepare the Green Paper document to shape the European urban transport policy for the next decade. Regular appointments have been made, in the form of conferences. The first one on January 31 launched the process of

  • 6 July 2007
  • Working group on accessibility / inclusion

Paris Meeting 2 July 2007

– Agenda – Presentation made during the meeting (pdf): STIF Accessibility Master Plan STIF on inclusion Rupprecht presentation of the study in Bilbao Excerps from study Presentation Bolton University MSc transport leaflet BAIM project – Record of decision

  • 5 June 2007
  • Taskforce EU

EU Transport Policy

– Preparation of Green Paper: Stakeholder Conferences: Transport Problems, Solutions, Responsibilities 31/01/07 BACKGROUND PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC- EN – Towards a European policy for Urban Transport Technical Workshops: Urban Transport and Green Propulsion Urban transport financing Public transpor intermodality and intelligent transport Integrated Urban transport approaches – White Paper “European transport policy for 2010: time

  • 9 May 2007
  • Internal surveys

2007- Financing of public transport infrastructure in Europe – CENTRO Birmingham

Questionnaire & Synthesis

  • 1 May 2007
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19 April 2007- EUROCITIES and Commission V-P J.Barrot about sustainable urban mobility

Meeting on 19 April 2007 with representatives of around 20 European Cities to discuss the future of urban mobility in Europe, Commisioner Barrot said that the future Green Paper on urban transport could contain provisions for a harmonized legal framework on traffic management schemes. Among the topics discussed: Currently, national legislation in several countries prevents

  • 26 April 2007
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Lyon survey in household mobility

A major survey on household mobility in the metropolitan area of Lyon has been released in March. The survey covered 460 municipalities and 1,9 million inhabitants out of which 11,000 household have been inquired representing 26,000 individuals ; 90,000 trips have been reviewed from November 2005 to April 2006. The survey took into account all

EMTA Members