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  • 11 February 2007
  • News

12 February 2007- News from Europe

Mid term elections at the European Parliament: M. Paolo COSTA is the new president of the Transport Commission of the European Parliament. The mandate runs until 2009. 2007 Award for The European Mobility Week: Energy Commissionner Stavros Dimas rewarded for the first Prize the city of Leon (Spain) for the second Prize the city of

  • 17 January 2007
  • Internal surveys

2007 – On governance – STIF Paris

Questionnaire & Synthesis

  • 16 January 2007
  • News

16 January- Stockholm Congestion Tax Trial : the role of Stockholm transport (SL)

The Congestion Tax Trial in Stockhom that took place from 3 January 2006 to 31 July 2006 represented a major challenge to SL (Stockholm transport). The trial called for the provision of expanded public transport meaning an increase of 7% in SL’s total traffic that had to be planned on a very short period of

  • 14 January 2007
  • News

ECMT-Stakeholder Consultation – Mitigating Congestion in Transport -1st February 2007

ECMT is undergoing a transition towards an International Transport Forum. It has been agreed that the Forum should involve more stakeholders in order to enable industry or other non-governmental bodies (and notably tranport authorities) to be part of the debate. The Forum is focussing on one key strategic subject every year. This year 2007, the

  • 14 January 2007
  • News

New EU energy plan – more security, less pollution

The European commission wants to improve energy‑supply security in Europe while combating climate change and making the industry more competitive. To this end, it has tabled proposals to pave the way for a common European energy policy. The proposals include a cut in CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020. The commission will propose

  • 14 January 2007
  • News

POLIS Annual Conference 15-16 March 2007 in Toulouse ( France)

POLIS is a network of leading European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. POLIS Annual Conference to be held in Toulouse (France) 15-16 March 2007, for more information see contact address.

  • 19 December 2006
  • News

18 November – Aulnay-Bondy in Ile-de-France (T4) : a significant upgrade of old train tracks

This 8-kilometre line serves a dense area within the eastern suburbs of Paris / Ile-de-France region. A former heavy rail line has been closed, upgraded and doubled where constituted by a single track. 3 new stations have been added to the 8 existing and a new tram-train rolling stock (Siemens Avanto) has been purchased. The

  • 19 December 2006
  • News

Keolis: change in shareholding

3i, which is the majority shareholder in Keolis, and Group SNCF, announced in September that they intend to withdraw 3i’s stake in Keolis (see EMTA News n°17). The funding injected by 3i combined with backing from Group SNCF has enabled Keolis to consolidate its position among European public transport operators with a turnover of €

  • 19 December 2006
  • News

Consultation begins on detailed proposals for London-wide Low Emission Zone

The Mayor of London also announced on 13 November, the start of detailed consultation by Transport for London on the proposed London-wide Low Emission Zone. The scheme is aimed at reducing emissions from the most polluting diesel engine lorries, coaches, buses, heavier vans and minibuses. From 2008, diesel engine lorries, coaches and buses that fail

  • 19 December 2006
  • News

The importance of transport for the future of London and the UK

Mayor of London Ken Livingstone set out on 28 November a 20-year transport programme aimed at ensuring London’s future economic prosperity. Transport for London’s (TfL) T2025 report highlights the importance of sustained investment and sets out ways that the impact of transport on the environment can be reduced. London’s economy is expected to grow by

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