Dublin has recently opted for an advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS). The Intermodal Transport Control System MOBILE-ITCS dispatchers maintain the overview over the traffic situation in the city of Dublin at all times
and can initiate counter measures should disturbances occur.
The system includes the provision of the integrated statistical evaluation software MOBILEstatistics that allows the analysis of the operational performance, and the reporting software MOBILEreports. The system will display the current position of the vehicles to the dispatchers and at the same time generate real-time information to dynamically calculate the passenger information.
For this purpose, an open system based on a platform independent of the ITCS the so-called Multi-Operator Real-Time Passenger Information System (MO/RTPI), will be implemented, that enables the integration of further bus operators. The integrated system MOBILE-STOPinfo calculates departure times reliably and provides the information in suitable format for various media, e.g. the Web, mobile telephones and wayside displays. Dublin Bus chose to equip 1,000 bus stops with passenger information data led displays, and some 1200 buses will be equipped with the corresponding vehicle technology especially the COPILOTpc
on-board IT platform.

For the communication between the vehicles and the control centre, Dublin Bus has opted for an intelligent new solution developed in close cooperation with the radio communications provider Tait. This will allow high speed data and integrated speech communications in quasi-parallel operation mode. In addition, the system supports the UK compliant traffic signal priority. The aim of the project is to improve services and increase efficiency, Dublin Bus’ services are frequented by around 150 million passengers each year.
The advance telematic system has been contracted with the INIT group specialised in Intelligent Transportation Systems for public transport.