News from EMTA General meeting in Warsaw (5/6th november 2009)

  • Updated9 November 2009
  • News

At Warsaw general meeting, EMTA members elected a new President, to replace M. Hannu Pentillä, and a new board.
The mandate of the new team is for the 2 years to come.

President of EMTA:

  • M. Hans-Werner Franz, Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB – Berlin-Brandenburg)


  • Mrs Sophie Mougard, Syndicat des Transports d’Ile-de-France (STIF – Paris / Ile de France)
  • M. Carlos Cristobal-Pinto, Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM – Madrid)


  • MM. Thierry Duquenne, Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles Capitale

Other members of the Board:

  • M. Marc Garcia, Autoritat del Transport Metropolita (ATM – Barcelona)
  • M. Zolt Denke, Budapest Transport Association (BKSZ Kht – Budapest)
  • M. David Brown, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE – Sheffield)
  • M.Cesare Paonessa, Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana (AMMT – Torino)
  • M. Leszek Ruta, Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego (ZTM – Warsaw)

EMTA hosted also 2 workshops and you could download the presentation

Documents presented during the workshop

  • Economic paper on Public Tansport and Urban Mobility (Professor José Manuel Viegas September 2009), slide presentation
  • Synthesis of the questionnaire about the economic crisis (Carmen Sanz From Madrid) QuestionnaireSummary (new version 2[^nd^] nov 09)