Barcelona Metropolitan Region adopts its 2012 Mobility Master Plan (pdM)

  • Updated26 November 2007
  • News

The pdM has been developed by ATM and approved in July 2007. Based on an integrated approach, it covers passenger and freight transport and aims at guaranteeing a high level of accessibility while reducing the environmental impacts of public transport.

According to the pdM, the following targets must be attained by 2012:

  • evolution of modal split so that sustainable transport means
    support 2/3 of the total mobility in the region,
  • increase of total share of public transport by 5 points percentage by deriving trips from private cars to public transport,
  • decrease of energy consumption per inhabitant linked to transport activities by more than 7.5 %,
  • decrease of CO2 emissions by 20,5% and of pollutant particles(PM10) by 48%,
  • decrease of casualties which should be 25% below the 2005

The pdM draws 90 actions, and in particular:

  • to reduce urban sprawl by modifying some regulatory frameworks,
  • to increase public transport patronage by 30% and to reduce car mobility by 13%, improving bus efficiency with dedicated bus lanes and priority traffic lights and enhancing car sharing and car pooling,
  • to foster walking and bicycle use by building 150 Km of regional bicycle lanes,
  • to curb emissions by promoting cleaner vehicles, reducing fossil fuel consumption and reducing the average maximum speed on metropolitan motorways.

A wide consultation process was conducted of over 150 institutions and around 300 other stakeholders to ensure interests at large were taken into account.