BEST Benchmarking European Service of Public Transport.

  • Updated28 January 2010
  • News

BEST is a ten years old initiative that aims at
increasing the use of public transport through the
updating of information on how public transport
systems perform in the eye of the customers.

Since 1999, the BEST team project has built a
network of professionals and developed unique
expertise. A new web base reporting solution has
been introduced and several thematic workshops
are held each year. BEST chairman is Per Gellert
from MOVIA Copenhagen and several members
of BEST are cities of the EMTA network.

The new campaign for recruiting BEST partners[[Partners: Fees are €3000 and Include access to web
report, password protected part of the BEST web site,
annual BEST Seminar and workshops.]] or BEST members[[Members: Fees €19,000 and up and Include data
collection, analysis & reports, access to web report,
the password protected part of the BEST web site,
annual BEST Seminar and workshops.]] will end 29th January 2010.
For more information on the 2009 BEST report,
on main events, on costs and registration form,
please visit