The regional mobility plan, also called “Plan Iris” was adopted by the Government of Brussels Capital Region in October 1998 and is currently being updated. Mobility experts have estimated the impacts in 2015 of a “do-nothing” scenario:
– 5% increase of mechanised trips
– decreasing average speed for cars
– permanent congestion of roads
– increase of CO2 emissions by 22%

To avoid this situation a set of ten measures has been proposed by the public authority in charge of mobility.
1. Major investments in infrastructure: metro extension
2. Major investments in infrastructure: development of the suburban train network
3. Development of the limitation to 30km/h in residential areas
4. Exclusive right of way for surface public transport
5. Road pricing: charge when crossing the ring or related to the distance travelled
6. Parking policy
7. Improvement of security and parking possibilities for cyclists
8. Road space dedicated to public transport, pedestrians and cyclists
9. Free public transport
10. Development of evening and night services
These measures have been proposed to a panel of users in May 2006 : the panel estimated each measure in terms of advantages, drawbacks and practical proposals for their implementation. The results of this panel will be used to enrich the content of the upcoming consultation.