Consultation begins on detailed proposals for London-wide Low Emission Zone

  • Updated19 December 2006
  • News

The Mayor of London also announced on 13 November, the start of detailed consultation by Transport for London on the proposed London-wide Low Emission Zone. The scheme is aimed at reducing emissions from the most polluting diesel engine lorries, coaches, buses, heavier vans and minibuses.

From 2008, diesel engine lorries, coaches and buses that fail to meet a minimum pollution standard face having to pay a charge if they drive within Greater London. Such a charge would be designed to act as an effective incentive for operators to modify or replace dirty vehicles.

The Low Emission Zone could go live as early as February 2008. It is also proposed that by 2010 the scheme would be extended to heavier diesel engine light goods vehicles and minibuses. From 2012 the emissions standard for Heavy Goods Vehicles, buses and coaches would be tightened to Euro IV standards for particulate matter.

Transport for London has published a scheme order this week, and consultation on the plans will run until 2 February 2007.