Corporate Plan of the Transport Authority Amsterdam

  • Updated24 January 2018
  • News

Renewal of regional traffic and transport strategies

The Amsterdam (Metropolitan) region is growing: the population increases, employment rises, and the number of visits increases as well and it is expected that without expansions the traffic and transport system will be unable to answer to the mobility demand already on the short term. At the same time, there are major challenges with regards to global warming, and to reach the goals set by the Paris climate agreement. Road safety and the quality of life in this densely populated urban region are other major issues the Transport Authority Amsterdam should deal with in this new Corporate Plan.

As a response to the above-mentioned challenges, the Transport Authority Amsterdam will focus in its new regional traffic and transportation corporate plan (‘Beleidskader Mobiliteit’) on the following:

  • Ensuring an adequate level of accessibility, mainly by integrating transport modes into one efficient and connected (or coherent) traffic and transport system (or network);
  • Reduce CO2 emissions and the environmental impacts of the traffic and transport system;
  • Enhance user experience by optimizing the comfort, ease of access to travel information, quality of service and improving the perception of safety of the traffic and transport system;
  • Creating a better match between transport infrastructure and its environments, including the quality of the surrounding public space;
  • Support the completion of the most urgent urban development schemes in the region, by improving collaboration and attuning the regulation between urban planning and traffic and transport investments.