CRTM grants Awards to Promotion of Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility


  • Updated29 April 2014
  • News


The Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid (CRTM) has
delivered on January 14th, the II Awards on Promotion of Public
Transport and Sustainable Mobility, in which Public Transport
field initiatives coming from 26 organizations individuals or
companies are recognised.

The awards had two categories. The first category intended to
recognise employees in any of the PT system operators, who
through their daily work have transformed the transport
network of Madrid in a reference of quality. This category
recognises workers from: Metro de Madrid, EMT Madrid (urban
buses), suburban railway RENFE, interurban private bus operators,
light rail as well as transport interchange stations. A total of 10
workers were awarded in this category.

The second category consists of awarded companies and institutions
that have taken measures to promote public transport
and sustainable mobility, given its scope, impact, innovative
nature and degree of implementation, as well as special mentions
for those public events or people who spread the values of
public transport. It includes all types of organizations, both public
and private, considering the importance of economic and social
sectors for being involved in spreading benefits from public transport
and sustainable mobility. In this category 11 awards were
granted. Within this category worth mentioning are:

  • Spain national handball team and Cirque de Soleil,
    having altruistically collaborated with CRTM on the
    promotion of regional PT, by advertising campaigns and
    PT support events ;
  • Municipality of Aranjuez and Getafe for activities
    developed within its General Plan for Urban Mobility ;
  • Interurban bus family business company Julián de
    Castro, who turns 100 years of service ;
  • A small sized enterprise that provides annual public
    transport pass to its workers ;
  • Citizens barely related to PT, such as the policeman who
    saved a user’s life of Metro, who fell onto the rail tracks
    at the time a train was coming into the station.

To close the Award Ceremony, the Regional Transport
Consortium of Madrid also acknowledged the labour of six
employees leading 25 years working in this institution.


The awards ceremony was presided by the Regional Minister of
Transport, Infrastructure and Housing and President of the
Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid, Mr. Pablo Cavero, in
the presence of a large group of renowned personalities and

Contact: Carlos Cristóbal-Pinto, (CRTM) Director of External Affairs