EMTA joins the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum (MPMF)

  • Updated10 February 2022
  • News

The Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum (MPMF) shall assist the European Commission in the preparation of policy initiatives in the field of sustainable multimodal mobility for passengers. The MPMF serves as a platform for structured dialogue, exchange of technical knowledge, cooperation and coordination between Union Member States and relevant public and private stakeholders.

On 8 February 2022, EMTA was formally appointed by the Director General for Mobility and Transport, Henrik Hololei, to join the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum (MPMF).

The bulk of public transport in Europe – local, metropolitan and regional services – falls in the jurisdiction of organising public transport authorities (PTAs). These PTAs, while different in setup, scope and jurisdiction from region to region, have a central and democratically legitimized position in Europe’s transport system and have proven very successful in overcoming the natural inefficiencies of the networked market that is passenger transport, as recognised and enabled by the PSO regulation. Europe’s PTAs are, thus, an essential tool for achieving meaningful multimodal integration and are vital to the discussions that are to take place in the MPMF.

EMTA, the association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities, unites 30 PTAs of the largest metropolitan areas in Europe for collaboration and knowledge exchange. The association has been engaged in the multimodal mobility governance debate in the recent years and carries out various research and collaboration efforts amongst its membership and with other sector representatives. Through these efforts, EMTA holds great expertise, particularly regarding the needs of local and regional public authorities with competence in transport and results of the various integration strategies pursued in different European regions.

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