EU Commission has launched the mid-term review of its transport policy

  • Updated16 January 2006
  • News

The European Commission will carry out over
the coming months the mid-term review of
the White Paper on “the European transport
policy for 2010”, that has been adopted in 2001.
The objective of the mid-term review is to
assess the impact of measures that have
been proposed to:

– rebalance transport modes

– reduce congestion

– improve quality of transport

The review will be use serve to identify objectives
of the White Paper that can be achieved and
those for which adjustments are necessary.
The review will have to take several new and
outstanding developments into account
which justify an update of the basic hypotheses
of the White Paper, including EU
enlargement, weak current economic growth,
high oil prices and new concerns, such as
those relating to the safety of transport.
In this context, to supplement its own analysis,
the Commission launched a consultation that
has ended on 31 December aiming at taking
note of stakeholders opinion on transport policy.

EMTA has sent a position paper updating its
comments on 2001 White Paper, expressing
its understanding of the current situation
and regretting the lack of measures regarding
urban transport. Mobility in our cities is a
huge concern in the daily life of 8 out 10
European Citizens and plays also a key role in
congestion, air pollution, oil dependency and
greenhouse gas emissions.
EMTA position is available on our website