The Executive Board of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV) gave its approval to the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Transport System Plan (PLJ 2007) in March 2007.
Following a previous PLJ 2002, the PLJ 2007 transport system plan has been produced on the basis of a vision for the long-term target situation. The transport system envisioned offers generous transport opportunities for everyone and guarantees comfortable living conditions and transport reliability, thus it promotes regional competitiveness.
As the interaction between the developing use of land and the transport system naturally leads to an increase in road traffic, traffic problems cannot be solved by the sole developing of the transport network.

The extensive PLJ 2007 strategic plan includes a wide range of measures covering the overall traffic policy for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The main sub-strategies are:
– Managing mobility demand and modes of transport: new land use is concentrated along efficient public transport connections, especially along rail lines, thus an extensive transport study in the metropolitan area and the commuting area is conducted.
– Developing public transport services : the state support will help guarantying the funding and quality of service and tarifs and e-ticketing will keep improving.
– Increasing transport system efficiency by means of mobility management and information. Six leading projects are implemented based on monitoring, traffic management and communication services.
– Unfolding thematic programmes and projects for the development of the transport system amounting to a total of € 110 million for the period 2008-2015.
– Developing Infrastructure projects: an ambitious programme of ring railway line, the completion of ring roads, and the expanding of city rail connections will represent an annual cost of € 200 million.
The letter of intent by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the municipalities in the Helsinki metropolitan region and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV) is under completion.