Launch of the CIVITAS Forum

  • Updated15 September 2002
  • News

The CIVITAS Initiative, which was launched by the European Commission in 2001, addresses the challenge to achieve a radical change in urban transport through the combination of technology and policy based instruments and measures.

Through this initiative, the European Commission is providing financial support to 19 cities that wish to test and demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated action (Aalborg, Barcelona, Berlin, Bremen, Bristol, Bucharest, Cork, Gdynia, Gothenburg, Graz, Kaunas, Lille, Nantes, Pécs, Prague, Rome, Rotterdam, Stockholm, and Winchester).

The CIVITAS FORUM aims at providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences between the 19 CIVITAS cities and other cities committed to introducing ambitious urban transport strategies.

The CIVITAS FORUM will be open to ambitious cities that want to find out more about the usefulness of individual measures for clean urban transport and the best way to combine and integrate them on a large scale.

Participant cities will have to prove their political and technical commitment to introduce ambitious integrated urban transport strategies.

The first meeting of the CIVITAS FORUM will take place in Brussels on 9th October.