Lyon survey in household mobility

  • Updated26 April 2007
  • News

A major survey on household mobility in the metropolitan area of Lyon has been released in March. The survey covered 460 municipalities and 1,9 million inhabitants out of which 11,000 household have been inquired representing 26,000 individuals ; 90,000 trips have been reviewed from November 2005 to April 2006.

The survey took into account all modes of transport and mobility behaviour. Among the more significant outcomes :

– the number of trips/day/person is 3.3 to 3.9, representing between 57 mn and 80 mn and a distance between 11 km and 37 km,

– greater mobility is related to age (25-50 years old), working activity or on the contrary household position, and education,

– 1 in 3 trips is related to work or education, and trips to work are mostly (71%) done by car on the basis of one person one car,

– most trips are done within the limits of the person’s residential area, the second most important destination is the city of Lyon,

– in the greater Lyon area, less than half of trips are made by car (in fact the car modal share decreased from 53% to 47,5% within 10 years), the other trips are made by public transport and walking, on the reverse in the rest of the metropolitan area the car modal share increases up to 85%,

– multimodality in the sense of combination of modes is not yet popular, but people think public transport should be developed especially in the dense area even at the expense of the car use.

The data collection will be a useful tool for future transport policy in the metropolitan area of Lyon.