Lyons renew its global contract with Keolis for six years and develops its networks

  • Updated8 April 2005
  • News

Sytral, Lyons transport authority is responsible
for organising and financing the largest French
public transport network open to competition,
with a €1.5bn contract lasting 6 years.

As the
previous contract was ending in December
2004, the tendering process has been initiated
in November 2003.

The last choice had to be
done between Keolis, the incumbent and
Transdev-RATP, the challenger.

After a tight
competition, Sytral finally granted the contract
to the incumbent, who will operate Lyons’
public transport system until 2010.

Lyons network is currently in a growing phase,
with the extension of the Tramway line 1 by
1,4 km, planned for October and the beginning
of rail platform works on the new Tram line

This 14,6 km line will serve 70,000 people
and 37,000 jobs in the eastern part of the
metropolitan area. This €177m project will enter
in service by end 2006.

In the future, this line
will be used by an express link, called Leslys,
between the city center and St Exupéry Airport
(23 km away) expected by 2007.

The common
use of the infrastructure by urban trams and
suburban tram-trains, will be one of the main
challenges faced by Sytral.