MaaS governance in the context of a European multimodal ticketing initiative – 24 march 16h00/17h30


  • Updated11 March 2021
  • News


EMTA, POLIS and UITP will be holding an online event on 24 March from 16.00 to 17.30 (CET) to discuss the digital integration of transport services (aka MaaS) across Europe and the key principles laid out by the organisations in their joint opion paper.

As Europe’s transport sector pursues the sustainability objectives outlined in the European Commission’s Green Deal, the digital integration of transport modes enabled by the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept can support this. While POLIS, UITP and EMTA welcome such innovation, the organisations call for a central role for public authorities in the governance of the MaaS ecosystem.

The group have coalesced to highlight a series of critical principles which any European mobility regulatory framework must adhere to. These will ensure that digital solutions support, rather than undermine the key role of public transport as the backbone of urban mobility – and the rights of all citizens to affordable and accessible transport services are not diluted.

Effective governance of the MaaS ecosystem according to public values is the opinion paper’s primary call. However, this issue remains an ambiguous concept. It is for this reason that representatives of passenger transport authorities and operators, the European institutions and industry will be invited to share their views on the governance of MaaS.

To register for the event, click here.

Find out more about the joint opinion here
