Mayor of London Boris Johnson has unveiled
the winning designs in the New Bus for
London competition. Overall 700 entries
were received from professionals and nonprofessionals
of all ages. The judges were
so impressed with the ideas submitted in
the ‘whole bus design’ category that a
joint first prize was awarded to Capoco
Design Ltd and a collaborative entry from
Aston Martin and Foster + Partners.

The competition featured a ‘design’ category
for professional-standard entries, with a class
for ‘whole-bus’ submissions and another
for single concepts or features. A second
‘imagine’ category encouraged entrants of
all ages to unleash their creativity. It was
split into age groups varying from under-
11s to over-18s, with a range of prizes

The next step in delivering the new bus is
to pass the winning ideas to manufacturers
to develop into a final proposed design.
TfL expects to award a contract towards
the end of next year, after a competitive
tendering process. The first new vehicles
will be seen on the streets of the Capital in
2011. For more information about the
competition, winners and designs, click on this link