New orientation for EU Transport Policy

  • Updated3 July 2006
  • News

The European Commission adopted on 22 June the orientation for the future EU transport policy. The objective of mobility growth control and modal shift from road and air to rail and waterborne modes described in the 2001 White Paper has been replaced by an objective to offer the necessary level of mobility to people and business while reducing its external negative effects.

The EU will then continue to boost rail and waterways for long distance connections but will also step up its efforts to make road transport and aviation more efficient and cleaner by using green propulsion and intelligent transport systems which use the latest technologies. The paper introduces the concept of co-modality which is an efficient use for different modes on their own and in combination for an optimal and sustainable utilisation of resources.

The communication describes a wide range of themes to reach these objectives, including:

– Smart charging that will contribute to a more rational use of infrastructure.

– Security and safety improvements in various modes, in particular in order to half the number of people killed on EU roads between 2001 and 2010.

– Protection of passenger rights, most notably in all transport modes for people with limited mobility.

– Energy consumption and oil consumption in order to reduce oil dependence and make transport more sustainable.

A detailed calendar of actions is proposed, among which:

– An action plan for energy efficiency and a road map for renewables (2006)

– A green paper of urban transport (2007)

– A strategy for land and public transport security (2007)

– A methodology for smart charging for infrastructure (2008)

– The start of Galileo concession (2009)

Urban transport seems to be better taken in account compared to the 2001 White Paper (see EMTA position on the mid-term review on our website) and EMTA looks forward to contribute to the 2007 Green Paper.