New service provision in Lisbon

  • Updated8 July 2005
  • News

In order to better take into account mobility
needs of citizens and to reverse the current trend
(32% fall in patronage in 15 years), Carris, the
State owned company operating Lisbon
public transport networks, is significantly
changing the structure of its surface network.

The new proposed network:

  • will work in tandem with the rail networks,
    with a more circular and less radial concept
    on its routes;
  • will function on the basis of segments,
    providing connections which are faster,
    more direct and more frequent;
  • will provide services for the city boroughs
    which simplify transfer to different forms
    of public transport.

In order to achieve these goals, the network
proposed by Carris will be split into three levels :

  • a structural network, made up of buses and
    light railways on 18 routes, acting as a
    complement to the “heavy” service (railway
    and underground);
  • an intermediate network made up of 20
    routes functioning as feeder for the
    structural network;
  • a local service network (based on city
    boroughs) made up of 20 routes,
    operating on short stretches and
    ensuring one or more connections to the
    rail and underground network in a
    maximum time of 10 minutes.

The planned bus network will comprise 58
routes. More than 75% of Lisbon’s population
(435,300 inhabitants) will have a train or
underground at less than 6 minutes’ distance.

This new network will start off with 4 to 6 routes
in each segment as a pilot scheme. The aim is to
detect any problems and introduce improvements
that can then be applied to the remaining lines
that are part of the network restructure.

Providing the right service to the right person
will allow high speeds and frequencies for
those who need to travel quickly and direct
services for those who value them.

This project
announced in January should progressively
enter in service by the end of the year 2006.