News from Europe

  • 27 April 2004
  • News

New European transport research program

The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) exposed its strategic research program, underlining the importance of mobility improvement and reduction of noise and pollution. In the field of individual mobility, the research program aims at providing the relevant solutions to satisfy the expected 32% growth in demand by 2020. Focus will be made on

  • 31 March 2004
  • News

From the second to the third “Rail Package”

The second railway package, that aims to accelerate the opening to competition of the rail freight markets in Europe (see EMTA News n° 13) was still being debated by the Conciliation Committee between the Council of Ministers of Transport and the European Parliament as this issue of EMTA News went to press. The Ministers and

  • 31 March 2004
  • News

Towards a European strategy for sustainable urban environment

The European Commission adopted on 11 January a Communication (COM(2004)60) setting out its ideas for the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment due in summer 2005. In this document, that is being submitted to a widespread consultation, the Communication sets out the problems and challenges facing Europe’s urban areas, focusing on 4 priority themes :

  • 31 March 2004
  • News

The European Commission proposes a new Directive to ensure that Member States save each year at least 1% more energy

The Commission released in December a draft Directive aiming to boost the cost-effective and efficient energy use in the EU. The proposal sets a framework with common definitions, tools, methodology targets and obligations, both for the public and for the private sectors. The Directive sets a target of energy saving of 1% per year, that

  • 31 March 2004
  • News

The European Commission proposes new rules to increase the legal certainty of services of general economic interest

Following the Altmark judgement of the European Court of Justice in July 2003 (see EMTA News n° 14), and the Green Paper on Services of General Interest, the Commission (DG Competition) has started consultations to set out clear criteria for the assessment of compensations paid by Member States to undertakings providing services of general interest.

  • 2 January 2004
  • News

Directory of public transport in the European Metropolitan Areas

EMTA released in January its first Directory of public transport in the European metropolitan areas. This 100 page document presents some general information about the current issues and stakes of public transport in the European largest cities, as well as a precise description of the organisation, funding, supply and demand of the public transport systems

  • 21 December 2003
  • News

Transport Ministers aim to reduce road mortality by 50% by 2010 in Europe

The European Ministers of Transport adopted a declaration aiming to reduce by 50% the death toll on European roads by 2010 at an informal meeting in Verona (Italy) in October. In 2000, 40 800 persons were killed in road accidents in the European Union, that is to say more than 110 every day. It is

  • 20 December 2003
  • News

Galileo : the European satellite navigation initiative gains momentum

On 20 October, the Galileo joint undertaking published a call to select the concessionaire that will be responsible for operating the European global positioning project system. The concession contract will give the private-sector concessionaire the task of managing the deployment phase (2006 – 2007), which will see the launching of 30 satellites and the establishment

  • 19 December 2003
  • News

LibeRTIN : a thematic network sponsored by the European Commission to harmonise light rail systems

A consortium bringing together the railway supply industry (UNIFE), the international association of public transport (UITP) and five major consulting companies specialised in the light rail sector (TTK, Atkins Danmark, AEA Technology Rail, Die Ingenieurwerkstatt, SEMALY) was launched in September 2002 for a period of 30 months with the financial support of the European Commission

  • 14 December 2003
  • News

Results of European surveys in the field of public transport now available

The final reports of the following surveys ordered by the European Commission are available : – Good Practice in Contracts for Public Passenger Transport (carried out by a consortium led by Colin Buchanan & Partners), – Integration and Regulatory structures in public transport (carried out by a consortium led by NEA), – Study on accessibility

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