News from Europe

  • 17 September 2002
  • News

European research project on integration in public transport

The European Commission released in July an invitation to tender for a study on the issue of integration in public transport. The study aims to improve the understanding of the nature and benefits of integrated transport services, of the incentives and disincentives for operators to act in integration schemes, particularly in situations where more than

  • 15 September 2002
  • News

Launch of the CIVITAS Forum

The CIVITAS Initiative, which was launched by the European Commission in 2001, addresses the challenge to achieve a radical change in urban transport through the combination of technology and policy based instruments and measures. Through this initiative, the European Commission is providing financial support to 19 cities that wish to test and demonstrate the effectiveness

  • 2 September 2002
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Horizontal evaluation of services of general interest at the European level

Following the European Council of Laeken (December 2001), the European Commission published last June a methodology for the assessment of services of general interest at the Community level. This move is linked to the Cardiff process of monitoring of the performance of the internal European market. It is indeed essential that services of general interest

  • 2 September 2002
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New step towards harmonisation of taxation on commercial diesel fuel in the European Union

In order to achieve better environmental protection and to eliminate huge problems of distortion of competition in the EU’s liberalised road transport markets, the European Commission presented last July a proposal to harmonise gradually Member States’ excise duty on commercial diesel fuel and to align minimum excise rates on non-commercial diesel and unleaded petrol. Commercial

  • 2 September 2002
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Operating companies take position on the project of new European regulation on public service requirements

Two groups representing the interests of some of the main public transport operating companies active in Europe adopted positions on the draft new regulation on public service requirements in the field of public transport. In its position statement, the group of the European Multi-National Operating Companies, which brings together Alsa, Arriva, Concordia, Connex, FirstGroup, Keolis,

  • 2 July 2002
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Birmingham joins EMTA

CENTRO, the executive organisation of the Passenger Transport Authority of the West Midlands (2,6 million inhabitants in the Birmingham and Coventry area) has joined EMTA, which now brings together 27 transport authorities.

  • 1 July 2002
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Project of new European Regulation on Public Service Obligations: work is going on

The project of new European Regulation on public service obligations in the field of passenger transport was not discussed at the Council of Ministers of Transport in Luxembourg in June because of the opposition of some countries. However, work is going on so as to find a compromise. The draft might thus be adopted at

  • 1 July 2002
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Launch of the European mobility week (16-22 September 2002)

The European commissioner for Environment, Mrs. Margot Wallström, presented in April the forthcoming European mobility week. This week will take place in cities around Europe between 16 and 22 September 2002, with the aim to raise awareness of the damage current mobility practices inflict to the environment, and to promote alternative transport modes. The European

  • 1 July 2002
  • News

Best practice for mobility centres

The MobiService Centres project, which is supported by the European Commission under the IST (Information Society Technologies) programme, has surveyed the multi-modal systems and services provided by the leading mobility management and service centres in Europe, and identified best practices. A wide range of traffic and travel information services have been investigated, including urban traffic

  • 1 July 2002
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Italy boosts car-sharing

The Italian Ministry of the Environment launched in April a national plan of promotion of car-sharing, that will receive € 9.5m of governmental grants devote to help fund local car-sharing initiatives operated by local transport authorities. Ministry officials estimate that 100,000 motorists could take part in the new schemes by 2005, reducing CO2 emissions by

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