News from Europe

Joint EMTA – UITP Conference on contractual relationships between authorities and operators (Vienna, 24 – 26th February 2003)
The conference, that presented how to use contracts, from first negociation to re-negociation, look at how responsabilities can be shared between authorities and operators (risk allocation), and how contracts can be best managed in the context of new European regulations. Case studies from different parts of the world were presented.

Public authorities can take account of ecological considerations for tendering procedures
In a judgement released in September, the European Court of Justice ruled that public authorities are entitled to take account of ecological considerations concerning the bus fleet offered for the award of bus services through tendering procedures. This decision was reached in a case raised by the company Concordia against a decision of the city

The European Commission launches a High Level Group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
The European Commission launched last October this new High Level Group comprising senior representatives from major EU automotive and energy companies, public utilities, research institutes, transport companies and policy makers. The Group will assess the potential benefits of using hydrogen and fuel cells in EU transport and energy productions, and pave the way for more

Lorry tolls on German highways as of August 2003
The German authorities expect an increase of freight traffic by 60% by 2015. In this context, the federal government decided in September to implement a toll for lorries of more than 12 t using the 12,000 km of German motorways as of August 2003. The objectives of this new toll are fourfold : – better

European research project on integration in public transport
The European Commission released in July an invitation to tender for a study on the issue of integration in public transport. The study aims to improve the understanding of the nature and benefits of integrated transport services, of the incentives and disincentives for operators to act in integration schemes, particularly in situations where more than

Launch of the CIVITAS Forum
The CIVITAS Initiative, which was launched by the European Commission in 2001, addresses the challenge to achieve a radical change in urban transport through the combination of technology and policy based instruments and measures. Through this initiative, the European Commission is providing financial support to 19 cities that wish to test and demonstrate the effectiveness

Horizontal evaluation of services of general interest at the European level
Following the European Council of Laeken (December 2001), the European Commission published last June a methodology for the assessment of services of general interest at the Community level. This move is linked to the Cardiff process of monitoring of the performance of the internal European market. It is indeed essential that services of general interest

New step towards harmonisation of taxation on commercial diesel fuel in the European Union
In order to achieve better environmental protection and to eliminate huge problems of distortion of competition in the EU’s liberalised road transport markets, the European Commission presented last July a proposal to harmonise gradually Member States’ excise duty on commercial diesel fuel and to align minimum excise rates on non-commercial diesel and unleaded petrol. Commercial

Operating companies take position on the project of new European regulation on public service requirements
Two groups representing the interests of some of the main public transport operating companies active in Europe adopted positions on the draft new regulation on public service requirements in the field of public transport. In its position statement, the group of the European Multi-National Operating Companies, which brings together Alsa, Arriva, Concordia, Connex, FirstGroup, Keolis,

Birmingham joins EMTA
CENTRO, the executive organisation of the Passenger Transport Authority of the West Midlands (2,6 million inhabitants in the Birmingham and Coventry area) has joined EMTA, which now brings together 27 transport authorities.