News from Europe

The EMTA conference marks the 25th anniversary of the association
On 25-27 October 2023, EMTA delegates gathered in Barcelona for their 50th general meeting hosted by ATM – the public transport authority for the Barcelona area. In a CEO-level panel debate, members explored various solutions for the funding of public transport in the years to come. Members elected a new board and president for the

The Barcelona Declaration highlights the special role of public transport authorities in creating a carbon free and sustainable metropolitan mobility system in Europe
In the declaration made on 27 October 2023 in Barcelona, EMTA members: The declaration was elaborated by the 34 EMTA members and endorsed by political representatives invited to the EMTA conference marking the 25th anniversary of the organisation: Press release

Improper MDMS regulation will fragment metropolitan public transport services
In an open letter to the EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean, EMTA reacts on open ticketing policy options that would impose on local rail services the rules designed for long distance rail services. EMTA alerts on the risk of fragmentation of the metrpolitan integrated public transport systems, used by millions of Europeans daily for their

CO2 emissions targets on buses must not result in greater car use
In a position paper, EMTA members renew their support for the adoption of clean and zero-emission vehicles but emphasize the need for financial support and a nuanced approach to support the public transport sector through a rapid technology transition. The paper voices the concerns of public transport authorities (PTAs) across Europe about the proposed regulation

Catch up with the EIT MobilityTalks on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services
EMTA Secretary general Alexandre Santacreu commented on MaaS in the latest EIT MobilityTalk on 7 July 2022. The event was focussed on the building blocks for the development and deployment of multimodal digital mobility services, such as Mobility-as-a-Service applications. Speakers included:

Open letter: Protect the legal framework for public transport services or undermine the Green Deal
The PSO regulation (EC 1370/2007) is the legal framework for the public transport sector in Europe. In draft interpretative guidelines circulated in December 2021, the European Commission suggests the adoption of a new regime led by market-initiative. In an open letter to the Secretary General of the European Commission, EMTA urges the Commission to refrain

Help – not hinder – public transport’s ability to deliver Green Deal Goals!
In a joint statement on the proposed revision of the interpretative guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 1370 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road (‘PSO regulation’), a broad coalition of transport stakeholders calls on the European Commission to avoid undermining the legal framework for public transport organisation. The PSO Regulation sets out

ITF 2022 Summit – Leipzig, Germany
Alexandre Santacreu and Thomas Geier represent EMTA at the #ITF22 Summit of Transport Ministers in Leipzig on 18-20 May 2022. They organise a press conference, together with UITP and POLIS, on the PSO regulation and the need to protect metropolitan public transport from deregulation: Event details and Zoom registration Also during the Summit, Thomas Geier

EMTA meets with Daniel Mes, member of Cabinet for Executive Vice-President Timmermans
EMTA members deliver rapid progress towards zero-emission bus fleets despite major industrial, technical, and financial challenges. On Thursday 3 March, the European Commission held a hybrid meeting with an EMTA delegation to assess bottlenecks and help find solutions. Alexandre Santacreu and Thomas Geier from EMTA met with Daniel Mes, member of Cabinet for Executive Vice-President

EMTA joins the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum (MPMF)
The Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum (MPMF) shall assist the European Commission in the preparation of policy initiatives in the field of sustainable multimodal mobility for passengers. The MPMF serves as a platform for structured dialogue, exchange of technical knowledge, cooperation and coordination between Union Member States and relevant public and private stakeholders. On 8 February