News from Europe

  • 4 April 2016
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Joint letter Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA

Coordinated action with Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA to publish this joint letter to the Dutch minister of Transport and Environment mrs Schultz van Haegen with concerns expressed on the Informal Transport-Environment Council meeting on ‘Innovating for the future: Smart and green solutions for sustainable transport’ at April 14-15 in Amsterdam

  • 14 August 2014
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Nordic Conference and InformNorden 2014

From 11-13 of June in Oslo your EMTA secretary witnessed the biannual conference of the Nordic Public Transport 2014 conference bringing together over 350 practitioners, traders, exhibitors and government experts in the Nordic field of transport and traffic. EMTA colleagues from RUTER in Oslo hosted and presented an 2 day conference programme with a wide

  • 30 April 2014
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City-HUB project: key determinants for successful interchanges

Policy makers are becoming increasingly aware of the need for public transport to compete with private transport in order to manage demand on the transport networks. Sustainable transport use is supported by good interchange design; therefore it is important to understand what makes interchanges successful. A consortium of 9 European research institutes from 9 different

  • 7 August 2009
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European Commission: Shaping transport policy for the future.

On March 2009, the European Commission launched a reflection process involving stakeholders and transport experts on the future of transport policy. Assessment externally commissioned, of the past ten years transport policies and scenarios for the future drawn with the help of Focus Groups, led to identifying 6 main trends and challenges that will shape the

  • 30 January 2009
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Brief Report on the French Presidency of the EU

The French presidency of the EU ended on 31 December 2008, the Czech republic is now holding the charge. Not all subjects have made the foreseen progress. Among the reached agreements : The “Energy and Climate package” the Council reached agreement on 11-12 December and the Parliament adopted the proposal on first reading on 17

  • 20 November 2008
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A dedicated center for expertise on public private partnership PPPs

European Investment Bank EIB and European Commission EC have launched in Paris on 16 September, under the French Presidency of the European Union, a European Center of expertise on PPPs. 22 entities have already signed the agreement protocol, among which : EIB,EC, Finance Ministers of Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia,

  • 5 September 2008
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Reinhart Rack own initiative report on Green Paper…

…towards a new culture for urban mobility (see Emta news 32). The report, adopted by Parliament at a large majority 8-10 July in Strasbourg with few amendments, conveys the main message that new and innovative concepts on mobility in cities are urgently needed to tackle the adverse effects of urban transport on climate change. Members

  • 5 September 2008
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French Presidency’s priorities in transport

State Secretary Dominique Bussereau unfolded the priorities of the French presidency in the field of transport. Identifying cleaner transport as the top priority he referred particularly to the “greening of transport” package including the proposal for revision of the Eurovignette Directive recently adopted by the Commission. This will be the subject of the debate during

  • 23 May 2008
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Community guidelines on state aid for railway

At the end of 2007, The European Commission launched a consultation on a working document prepared by DG-TREN in reference to the compatibility with EC Treaty of state aid as defined in Directive 91/440/EEC, so as to draw guidelines to improve transparency of public financing and legal certainty with regard to the Treaty rules, in

  • 23 May 2008
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The Climate-change Energy Package

In March 2007 the Council of the European Union (EU) decided to set more ambitious objectives to reduce CO2 and green house gas emissions and set targets of renewable energies in order to reduce Europe’s energy dependency on imported fuels and also possibly lead the way for a new industrial revolution. On 23 January 2008

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