News from Europe

  • 21 November 2007
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Regulation on public passenger transport services

On 18 September 2007 the Council of Ministers on 2nd reading adopted the Regulation on public passenger transport services by rail and by road. The regulation will come into force 2 years after its publication at the EU Official Journal, this means end 2009. A transitional period of 10 years is allowed to comply with

  • 8 August 2007
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[( EURFORUM held the 2nd stakeholder conference 28 June in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was to validate with the stakeholder the content of the Strategic Research Agenda while drawing the outline of the proposed permanent research body at European level. The final conference of Eurforum will take place on 19 November 2007 in

  • 8 August 2007
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Galileo satellite navigation system is the European civil alternative to the US Global Positioning System. Galileo is based on a constellation of 30 satellites and ground stations. It will provide information in various sectors among which transport (vehicle location, speed control, guidance system or route searching …). The €3.6 bn project was supposed to be

  • 8 August 2007
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Urban mobility in cities makes its way up on European Commission’s agenda

Since January this year, European Commission made broad consultation of stakeholders involved in urban transport with a view to prepare the Green Paper document to shape the European urban transport policy for the next decade. Regular appointments have been made, in the form of conferences. The first one on January 31 launched the process of

  • 1 May 2007
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19 April 2007- EUROCITIES and Commission V-P J.Barrot about sustainable urban mobility

Meeting on 19 April 2007 with representatives of around 20 European Cities to discuss the future of urban mobility in Europe, Commisioner Barrot said that the future Green Paper on urban transport could contain provisions for a harmonized legal framework on traffic management schemes. Among the topics discussed: Currently, national legislation in several countries prevents

  • 25 April 2007
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4th UITP European Conference : Time for action

The 4th UITP European Conference held in Brussels on 27 February 2007 « Opportunities and Challenges: Time for Action » gathered the major European actors of urban mobility. The central question was to identify the added value that the European Union can bring to enhance urban mobility. The conclusion is that the role of the

  • 25 April 2007
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Euroforum first stakeholder workshop

EURFORUM the European Research Forum for Urban Mobility is a European initiative, within EU Commission. The objective is to create a forum at the European level, effectively representing stakeholders of European research on urban mobility, including representatives of local authorities, public transport associations, research bodies, etc and provide recommendations for the co-ordination of European research.

  • 25 April 2007
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Public service obligation on public passenger services (PSO)

The proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council “on public passenger services by rail and by road”. The Council reached on 9 June 2006, a political agreement on the Revised Proposal of the Commission for a regulation on public service obligation for passenger transport services on rail and road (COD/2000/0212).

  • 25 April 2007
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Third Railway package

On 18 January 2007, European Parliament EP adopted in second reading the reports on the proposals of the Third Railway Package and made amendments, after adoption on 18 December 2006 by EP Transport and Tourism Committee of the recommendations in the draft report. The Third Railway Package, presented in march 2004, proposes to: – Open

  • 25 April 2007
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Preparation of the Green Paper

The EU Commission White Paper on Transport in 2001 aspired to change the direction of EU transport policy acknowledging the growing congestion and raising pollution and the related adverse impacts due to the important increase in transport activities accompanying economic growth. The mid term review of the White Paper in June 2006 and the Thematic

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