News from Europe

  • 21 March 2006
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Attitudes towards car use in Great-Britain

In the framework of studies related to the impact of transport on climate change, the UK Department for Transport published an article describing attitudes towards car use in Great Britain and particularly analysing the link between the following items: – levels of car ownership and use and the factors that might impact on car use

  • 21 March 2006
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New proposal for Euro 5 standards

The EU Commission presented on 22 December 2005 a new proposal for Euro 5 standards for new passenger cars and light vehicle emissions, aiming at improving air quality in Europe, especially in urban areas. Particles emissions from diesel cars would be slashed by 80% and nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 20%. The tougher standards proposed would

  • 16 January 2006
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EU Commission has launched the mid-term review of its transport policy

The European Commission will carry out over the coming months the mid-term review of the White Paper on “the European transport policy for 2010”, that has been adopted in 2001. The objective of the mid-term review is to assess the impact of measures that have been proposed to: – rebalance transport modes – reduce congestion

  • 27 November 2005
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One step forward for the third railway package

EU Commission has adopted the thrid railway package on 3rd March 2004. It contains measures to revitalise the European railways. The package consists of a Communication, four legislative measures and a working document on an extended impact assessment for the gradual opening up of the market for international passenger services. One of the legislative measures

  • 26 November 2005
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EU Parliament supports road safety targets

Ari Vatanen, member of the European Parliament presented a report on road safety in Europe, which points out that improvements in road safety come from a combination of safer drivers, safer cars and safer roads. According the European Commission’s Community Road Accident Database (CARE) 40,000 lives are lost and 1.7 million people are injured in

  • 27 July 2005
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UITP presented Mobility in Cities Database, illustrating current mobility worldwide

UITP, the international association of public transport, presented during Rome congress its last version of Mobility in Cities Database (MCD), gathering 120 mobility indicators in 50 cities across the world. This important source of information for actors of urban moblity analysed major urban trends for the period 1995-2001 and concluded that: – Car equipment have

  • 27 July 2005
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Energy efficiency addressed at European level

With the growing concerns about oil prices energy supply dependence and climate change, efficiency in energy consumption becomes more and more key issues for future development of our countries. On 22nd June, the EU Commission adopted a Green Paper on Energy Efficiency that seeks to put energy savings higher on the agenda. The Green Paper

  • 27 July 2005
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International Energy Agency call governments to “Save oil in a Hurry”

The International Energy Agency which is the energy forum for 26 industrialised countries published on April 28th a report exploring a set of measures governments could take to save oil as quick as possible, in order to cope with oil supply foreseen disruptions. Different measures have been analysed in terms of financial costs, energy savings

  • 27 July 2005
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PLUME final conference promotes integration of land use and transport planning

Planning and Urban Mobility in Europe (PLUME) is a EU funded project that is part of Land Use and Transport Research cluster (LUTR). It aims at facilitating transfer innovation in the field of planning and urban mobility from the research community to the end users. PLUME has been initiated in November 2002, organised two workshops

  • 27 July 2005
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Benchmarking initiative: end of year 2

The Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative is a EU funded project gathering a group of participants representing local and regional urban transport stakeholders from 35-40 cities. The objective is to undertake a comparative analysis across stakeholders by gathering a set of common performance indicators covering urban passenger and freight transport, exploring several thematic working groups on

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