News from Europe

  • 27 July 2005
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UK Department for Transport launches debate on road charging

The Department for Transport published in May 2005 National Statistics of average traffic speeds in English urban areas in 2004. This report shows that average speed on roads in large urban areas was 33 km/h during peak hours. However, almost 30% of this time was spent at a speed under 8 km/h (and 20% during

  • 27 April 2005
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European environment agency stresses the underestimation of car pollution

The agency published in October a report describing ten key transport and environment issues of policy-makers. The report states that traffic is growing at roughly the same rate than GDP raising the challenge of decoupling policy. Even if local car pollution is falling, inadequate test standards are underestimating emissions of harmful air polluants from new

  • 27 April 2005
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New law for accessibility in France

On February 11th, French Parliament passed a law stressing the equality of chances and full participation within society for disabled people. This law has huge consequences in accessibility of public areas, especially public transport. The law stipulates that all the stages of a journey in public transport including intermodality should be accessible to people with

  • 27 April 2005
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UE gets ready for Kyoto…and looks further

Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 16th February and should lead to a 8% reduction of greenhouse effect gases emissions (compared to 1990 levels) by the end of the decade. If some countries will hardly reach this goal, EU 25 considered as a whole should globally succeed: in 2002, emissions were below base level (1990)

  • 27 April 2005
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EU Ministers aim to enhance the urban dimension within the Union

Informal Ministerial meeting on Urban Policy took place in Rotterdam on 30th November to address EU priorities for urban policy: strengthening competitiveness, stimulating social inclusion and improving urban environment. European Ministers, in charge of these fields, decided to put urban policy higher on European agenda, given the importance of cities regarding economic development and social

  • 27 April 2005
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Working Program for transport field in 2005 presented to EU Parliament

Commissioner for Transport, Mr Jacques Barrot, exposed the working program of the Commission for 2005 to the Transport Commission of EU Parliament on February 1st. On local public transport side, he stressed the aim to adopt the new regulation on action by Member States concerning public service requirements and the award of public service contracts

  • 3 April 2005
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New European transport research program

The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) exposed its strategic research program, underlining the importance of mobility improvement and reduction of noise and pollution. In the field of individual mobility, the research program aims at providing the relevant solutions to satisfy the expected 32% growth in demand by 2020. Focus will be made on

  • 31 December 2004
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Norway experiments competition in national rail services

In April 2004, Norwegian Ministry of Transport opened to competition a 123 km rail service linking Oslo, the capital city to Gjovik. This profitable route carries 1.4 million passengers per year. The objectives of the government are to increase quality of service, to develop a more cost effective rail services and to increase the use

  • 31 December 2004
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European Union Sustainable Development Strategy to be updated

In June 2001, the European Council at Göteborg discussed a strategy for Sustainable Development proposed by the European Commission : “a Sustainable Europe for a better world : A European strategy for Sustainable Development”. This strategy proposed measures to deal with important threats to our well being, such as climate change, poverty, and emerging health

  • 31 December 2004
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New BEI funding agreement for urban transport in France

European Investment Bank, French Ministry of State for Transport and Caisse d’Epargne Group signed on September 23rd a protocol on public transport funding. This protocol, marking the installation of the Sustainable Urban Transport Program, consists in a €500 mio funding, intermediated by Caisse d’Epargne Group and dedicated to exclusive lanes projects about to be completed

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