News from the Cities

Accessibility: what mobility for disabled individuals in Île-de-France?
Between 2013 and 2014, the STIF conducted a major study on the mobility of people with reduced mobility in order to: characterise the population of mobility-reduced people; compare the personal mobility of disabled people with that of the general population; assess how people living in Île-de-France, both with and without disabilities, felt about the accessibility

New criteria applicable to tenders for transport services in Warsaw
When announcing future tenders for bus transport services, Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego [Public Transport Authority] in Warsaw will apply new criteria for the selection of the most advantageous bid. It will promote alternatively powered vehicles, among other things. ZTM will order services of the highest possible quality. The operator(s) will provide services with buses suitable to

Transport plan launched to underpin economic growth in West Midlands
A long-term strategic transport plan has been launched to help the West Midlands unlock its full economic potential. Movement for Growth has been developed by the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority (ITA) and sets out the region’s proposed transport strategy for the next 20 years. The plan would be implemented by Centro, the delivery arm

Extension tramline 1 opened: sustainable tracks, refurbished stations, new trams
The new, extended section of tramline 1 was handed over to the citizens of Budapest on 20 March 2015. The 3.2-kilometre-long newly-built southern section crosses over from Pest to Buda via Rákóczi híd (bridge) over the river Danube and runs to a temporary terminus. The extension of the line to South Buda across the river

Working towards the integrated public transport system
Spring is definitely the time for innovations and apart from a nice weather there is other exiting news Vilnius transport feels is worth sharing. On the 24th of April a national take up seminar took place in Vilnius. The seminar was initiated by international TIDE project. TIDE – ‘Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe’ is a

Results of the last mobility survey in Turin metro area
AMMT administers sample surveys every 2-3 years to analyze mobility trends in the metropolitan area and the perceived quality of public transport modes, private car and bicycle. Data series are used to implement future policies on mobility planning. 11 editions of the survey have been administered. Nine editions (from 1991 to 2010) have been focused

New progress for the tram network in Ile-de-France
Just two years after opening the extensions to tramways T1, T2, and T3 in 2012, two new tram lines have also been put into service and launched within three days of each other in December 2014: 13 December 2014: Extension of tramway T6 from Chatillon to the Robert Wagner station (Vélizy), then to Viroflay Rive

New Public Transport Card for Kids in Madrid: Smart ticketing to travel for free up to seven years
Since last December 31, the Madrid Region has completed the process of transition from the old Transport Pass to the new Public Transport Card. After its successful implementation in youth, adults and seniors groups, now comes the turn of the children. Thanks to the creation of the new Public Transport Card for Kids, 4, 5

TfL announces Santander as new partner of its Cycle Hire scheme
The Mayor of London, Transport for London (TfL) and Santander announced in February a seven-year partnership to grow and develop London’s Cycle Hire scheme, embedding the scheme yet further into the hearts and minds of Londoners, visitors to the Capital and across the communities it connects. The new £43.75m deal is the largest public-sector sponsorship

New hybrid buses for the Hungarian capital in service
The last vehicles of the total of 28 hybrid buses were delivered to Budapest on 1 March 2015, thus the Hungarian capital can now boast one of the largest hybrid fleets in Europe. The brand-new articulated buses feature EURO VI- diesel engines along with electric propulsion which will be used when accelerating to 10-15 km/h