News from the Cities

The transport authority of the metropolitan area of Lisbon LTMA, has been settled
It entered service since July 2009. The main first missions of the Authority are the Bill of Transport for the metropolitan area of Lisbon, the elaboration of the urban mobility plan and the mobility survey. In the next years, the major topic will be the implementation of the regulation 1370/2007 on passenger services by rail

Valencia eTM changes into Agencia Valenciana de Movilidad Metropolitana
As of 1 January 2010, the Metropolitan Transport Authority of Valencia (eTM) just nine years old, enlarges its scope over other metropolitan areas of the valencian region such as Alicante and Castellon including taxis services. The new integrated agency Agencia Valenciana de Movilidad Metropolitana has been entrusted by the Regional Government of Valencia Region and

Helsinki YTV evolves into HSL
Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HSL starts operation on 1 January 2010. The new transport authority merges YTV Transport and the planning and procurement fonctions of HKL (Helsinki City Transport), it is responsible for the preparation of the Helsinki Region Transport System Plan. Presently the members municipalities of the joint authority are Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen,

South Yorkshire : City running proposed for tram-train
Passengers in South Yorkshire could be the first in the UK to take a continental-style tram-train under plans announced today by the Department for Transport, Northern Rail, Network Rail and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. Tram-trains are greener than conventional trains as they use less fuel, have faster acceleration and deceleration rates; which offer passengers

Barcelona launches the new T-12 travel card
The Metropolitan Transport Authority of Barcelona (ATM) has introduced the T-12 travel card, aimed at children from 4 to 12 years of age. This is a travel document valid for one zone, that corresponds to the municipality where the holder lives. It will enable an unlimited number of free journeys on all modes of transport

Surface City Bus Terminal in Madrid
In 1986, the Madrid City Council launched a competition for the construction of two office buildings on premises located in the north of Plaza Castilla on each sides of the Paseo de la Castellana. As part of the planning duties imposed, was a new bus terminal to be built in order to better organize all

Bus service provides new job links
A NEW bus service is due to begin running from Chapeltown in Sheffield to the Thorncliffe Business Park in a bid to improve job opportunities for local people. The new 35a shuttle service will begin running on Monday 26 October and will improve links between the Market Place in Chapeltown, next to the railway station,

e-ticketing via mobile phones in Ile de France
A major improvement is going to be offered to passengers of the Ile de France network. It will represent an alternative to ticket machines selling as well as a source of new travel information services, thanks to the Near Field Communication NFC technology that will soon be integrated in the mobile phones enabling to store

Nottingham City Council joins pteg on 19 May 2009
Nottingham City Council has joined pteg as an associate member. Nottingham will join pteg’s existing associate members – Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Transport for London. Chair of pteg Neil Scales said: “We are delighted to welcome Nottingham City Council as an associate member of the pteg network. With their excellent tram system, growing public

Refurbishment works at Cádiz Metropolitan shipping terminal
Consorcio de Transportes Bahía de Cádiz has finished the refurbishment works of Cádiz Metropolitan Shipping Terminal for maritime passengers service. The works that amounted to € 2,763,000 were realised by Ute Felipe Castellano S.a.u y Ferrovial Agroman from August 2007 to December 2008 and consisted of: A second pier erection, and the alteration of the