News from the Cities

Extension of L3 metro line in Barcelona: infrastructure and urban design
The extension of the L3 line between the Canyelles and Trinitat Nova stations came into operation on 4 October 2008, with a new 1.8-kilometre tunnel section and two new stations, Roquetes and Trinitat Nova, which it is estimated will provide service for 4 million journeys a year. The initiative included the construction of two new

About Torino Public Transport Authority
The Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana is a consortium of functions instituted in 2003 by the Region Piemonte, the Province of Torino, the City of Torino, and the 31 Municipalities forming the Metropolitan Area. The whole transport system managed by the Agenzia supplies about 75 million vehicles*km and serves about 175 million of paying passengers

Advanced ITS system for Dublin Bus
Dublin has recently opted for an advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS). The Intermodal Transport Control System MOBILE-ITCS dispatchers maintain the overview over the traffic situation in the city of Dublin at all times and can initiate counter measures should disturbances occur. The system includes the provision of the integrated statistical evaluation software MOBILEstatistics that allows

STIF the renewal of contracts with both operators RATP and SNCF place the focus on the traveller.
The recently decentralized STIF had its Council adopt unanimously in February 2008 the new contracts with RATP and with SNCF for the period 2008-2011. For the 4 years period, the compensation will reach €6bn for SNCF and €7.3bn for RATP (VAT not included). STIF signing with RATP STIF signing with SNCF The contracts enhance the

2007: demand and supply on the increase in Barcelona metropolitan area
During 2007 public transport users reached 935 million trips and continued the steady growth shown over the last few years Citizens of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area gave their approval to all means of transport On the demand side The public transport system of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area carried 934.8 million passengers during 2007, a figure

Brussels: from public transport to car sharing, intermodality at large
The public transport Company in Brussels STIB is developping a car sharing scheme which is seen as a win-win situation for public transport and for the city. STIB, the public regional company of public transport covers 29 municipalities, serves 1,160 000 inhabitants an operates 3 metro lines, 15 tram lines, 51 bus lines and 20

From PTEG : More Powerful transport authorities for British city regions?
PTEG : the Passenger Transport Executive Group – brings together and promotes the interests of the six Passenger Transport Executives (PTEs) in England. Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Transport for London are associate members. The powers available to city region transport authorities in England outside London are relatively limited compared with their counterparts across Europe.

AMT increases by 70% Commuter train capacity
Montreal, December 18, 2007 – Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) applauds the Quebec government’s decision to grant the necessary financing for the acquisition of 160 double-decker commuter train cars, which will enable significant service improvements throughout the metropolitan region’s commuter train network. These new cars will make it possible to boost capacity by 70% on

New technology for Ile de France rolling stock
In 2006, STIF decided to launch along with SNCF an ambitious programme of modernisation of the rolling stock for a total amount of €2,09bn. The programme included: – Acquiring 172 new trains specially designed for Ile de France services to replace the oldest cars of the fleet. The cost is €1,85bn. Delivery will start end

Vilnius implements E-ticketing
As of 1 December 2007 electronic ticketing (e-ticketing) is in operation in Vilnius. The implementation comes as the result of a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project which was initiated by Vilnius City Municipality. The project was initiated in 2004, when the three biggest Lithuanian cities – Vilnius (554.409 inhabitants), Kaunas (358.111 inhabitants) and Klaipeda