News from the Cities

  • 8 November 2005
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New night bus services in Paris Ile de France region

In order to better match the growing mobility needs in night time, the network of night buses in Paris and Ile de France region has been restructured and reinforced in September. Provision of services has been doubled compared to the before situation. They are now run under the same name ‘Noctilien’ and are operated by

  • 8 July 2005
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New service provision in Lisbon

In order to better take into account mobility needs of citizens and to reverse the current trend (32% fall in patronage in 15 years), Carris, the State owned company operating Lisbon public transport networks, is significantly changing the structure of its surface network. The new proposed network: will work in tandem with the rail networks,

  • 8 July 2005
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Mobile phone services to be implemented in London Underground

Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London announced in March a consultation aiming at exploring possibilities offered by new mobile technologies in order to improve passengers’ journeys in the Underground. These services consist in audio or video broadcasting and wireless Internet. Many interested companies expressed their interest and have been asked to fill the consultation document

  • 8 July 2005
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Successful partnership between public transport and car sharing in Hamburg

Hamburger Verkehrsverbund, the local public transport authority, announced in June new developments of its successful partnership with Greenwheels, a car sharing company, initiated in 1998. New prices for short term car rental based on an easily structured tariff-system are proposed to holders of public transport season passes, exempting them completely from any entry fee, deposit

  • 8 April 2005
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New metro line and paying expressway in St Petersburg

St Petersburg metro network, made of 4 lines representing 100km will significantly grow in the coming years, with a target of 140 km by the year 2015, particularly in the northern area of the city. This extension plan includes a new line and the beginning of a circular line. These projects should lead to a

  • 8 April 2005
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Lyons renew its global contract with Keolis for six years and develops its networks

Sytral, Lyons transport authority is responsible for organising and financing the largest French public transport network open to competition, with a €1.5bn contract lasting 6 years. As the previous contract was ending in December 2004, the tendering process has been initiated in November 2003. The last choice had to be done between Keolis, the incumbent

  • 8 April 2005
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New developments and operations schemes in Warsaw region

New infrastructure projects have been decided for Warsaw and at a regional scale: the second metro line is currently under construction and is expected to enter in service in 2007. The works for the third line, measuring 6 km will start just after the beginning of first line operations. A project of a suburban express

  • 8 April 2005
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Innovative mobility concepts in London and in Lille

As mobility in urban areas shifts from commuter trips to more complex journeys, for various purposes and covering the whole day, transport system is expected to take more and more in account intermodality. Lille and London are experiencing two innovative concepts in this field : – LILLE, main city of the Northern part of France

  • 8 April 2005
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New framework and metro for Budapest

Financial agreement has been reached on Metro line 4 extension, consisting of 4 new stations and a new line of 2.7 km. Hungarian government will finance 70% and the municipality of Budapest will finance 30% of the project, estimated €325-400m. The total line Metró 4 project, decided in May 2003, partly funded by EIB, consists

  • 8 April 2005
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Financial agreement for Berlin new airport

Berlin Brandenbourg International airport funding has been approved by the airport authority; by private and public stakeholders, including the Federal State, the Länder of Berlin and Brandenbourg, the European Union. This €2bn project, located on the property of Schönenfeld current airport could open in 2010 and will provide an extra capacity of 20m passengers a

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