News from the Cities

Oslo is ready for the era of electric buses
In Oslo City and Akershus county, Ruter estimates that there is only nine years left until all public transport will be zero emission. This includes buses and boats. A big step is taken this year. Oslo has had six electric buses in operation since 2017, split on 2 buses each for three PTOs. There have

Direct financing allowed Amsterdam PTA to make fewer public transport cutbacks
New forms of financing can make an important contribution to improving public transport and making it more sustainable. The Transport Authority Amsterdam has implemented various alternative forms of financing in the past years, such as the Bus Loan. This enabled, among other things, the interim financing of electric buses. Nico van Paridon of the Transport

The Amsteltram, in 35 minutes from Uithoorn to Amsterdam South by tram
Transport Authority Amsterdam is commissioning authority for the realisation of the Amsteltram project, the first regional tramline in the Metropolitan area of Amsterdam. When completed, it is possible to travel from Uithoorn, a suburban town of 30.000 inhabitants some 10 kilometer south of Amsterdam to Amsterdam South station in little over half an hour. This

Vilnius is becoming the European capital with the most up-to-date public transport
In 2017, a record-breaking update of public transport was initiated in the capital of Lithuania. Currently there are almost 300 new public transport vehicles operating in Vilnius: at least 250 new buses and 41 new trolleybuses. These numbers show that 6 out of 10 buses in the streets of Vilnius are completely new: there is

Prioritising pedestrian access to public transport
According to research in pedestrian behaviour, the prioritisation of pedestrian access to public transport can increase the amount of passengers. Therefore, Movia seeks to strengthen the interaction between pedestrians and public transport in collaboration with municipalities. 90 percent of public transport users reach bus stops by foot. In addition, almost half of the total travelling

ELENA facility supports Movia transition to electric buses and boats
The Danish regional public transport authority Movia has received a grant of EUR 1,119,000 from the ELENA facility for technical assistance to prepare a transition of parts of the fleet of buses and ferries operated under the responsibility of Movia from conventional fuels to electricity. Movia is the Public Transport Authority (PTA) in East Denmark

HSL to pilot a kick scooter service in summer 2019
Some 30 scooter stations will be built in Vuosaari, East Helsinki, allowing residents to rent a scooter for short-time use. The scooter sharing service pilot run by HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) and Samocat Sharing will include both regular and electric scooters. HSL’s aim is to test scooters both as an independent means of travel and

HSL awards environmental bonuses to encourage emission reductions
This year, HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) will pay 1.7 million euros in environmental bonuses to bus operators who cut their particulate and carbon emissions. HSL awards bonuses for using biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas as well as for exhaust gas after-treatment. HSL awarded the bonuses through a bidding process held in 2018. The measures taken by

New zone system revolutionizes ticket pricing in the Helsinki region
During spring 2019, HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) will be implementing a new zone system which will fundamentally change public transport ticket pricing in the Helsinki region. In the new system, the HSL area will be divided into four zones (A, B, C and D) independent of municipal boundaries, spreading out from Helsinki center. Ticket prices

London to trial on-demand bus services
Transport for London (TfL) recently launched a consultation on plans to trial an innovative ‘on-demand’ bus service in Sutton in South London. The new service will let people or groups use an app to book seats on a minibus that will stop at more convenient locations, including areas not currently served by public transport. The