Nottingham City Council has joined pteg as
an associate member.
Nottingham will join pteg’s existing associate
members – Strathclyde Partnership for
Transport and Transport for London.
Chair of pteg Neil Scales said:
“We are delighted to welcome Nottingham
City Council as an associate member of
the pteg network. With their excellent
tram system, growing public transport use
and innovative smarter choices initiatives
Nottingham will bring a great deal of
valuable experience and expertise to pteg”.
“Although pteg policy and direction will
continues to be set by the six PTEs and ITAs, we greatly value the contribution that our
associate members make to the professional
networks that operate under the pteg
umbrella. Having Nottingham onboard
will also strengthen pteg’s role as Britain’s
principal centre of excellence for the public
sector on urban public transport, and in our
leading role in the urban transport policy

pteg – the Passenger Transport Executive
Group – brings together and promotes the
interests of the six Passenger Transport
Executives (PTEs) in England. Nottingham
City Council, Strathclyde Partnership for
Transport and Transport for London are
associate members. pteg sees itself as the
driving force behind the development of
public transport in the city regions.