Public transport and car sharing synergies in Geneva

  • Updated9 December 2004
  • News

The public transport operating company
in Geneva has found an innovative solution
for a better use of its fleet: off peak
hours, light vehicles are made available
to customers of Mobility, a car sharing
company independent from public
transport operators, offering 24h services
in the whole country.

Fares agreements
had been proposed in order to develop
synergies between use of public transport
and car sharing. Even if vehicles
characteristics don’t exactly fit with
Mobility requirements, mixed usage will
provide a larger fleet for car sharing
users and allow a more flexible fleet for
public transport.

Geneva also purchased five buses with a
double articulation also called “Megabus”.
They are offering an extra 35% capacity
of 150 passengers (vs. 110 for articulated
buses). This vehicle has 5 double doors
and is 24.8 meters long.