The power of advertising


  • Updated15 November 2016
  • News

vilnius5.pngME ‘Susisiekimo paslaugos’ recently took a completely different approach when it comes to promoting PT services. In the early days of Autumn advertising School ‘The Atomic Garden Vilnius‘ in cooperation with the ME ‘Susisiekimo paslaugos’ gathered together young people from Vilnius and other cities to look for innovative solutions that will promote city residents to choose public transport and come up with the best ideas for public transport to promote PT and attract new passengers.

From the 150 registered participants only 40 best were selected who competed in the teams of two for 7300 euros creative course scholarship. The main task was to solve the problem raised by ME ‘Susisiekimo paslaugos’ of how to encourage citizens and guests use public transport more often. Participants received lectures about creativity, copywriting, art direction and analyzed best examples from Cannes Lions. Classes were followed by two days and nights that were dedicated for teams to find the best solution regarding given creative brief.

All four workshop days have been accompanied by a major campaign message and interpreted by the participants – public transport saves time. Young developers dealt with idea that while commuting with PT you can perform many tasks as oppose to driving a car, for example respond to an e-mail, prepare presentations, put down the schedule for the day and many others.

The four-day event was finished with a final pitch were participants have presented their print ads and awards ceremony for the most creative idea.


For more information: Gintare Krusinskaite