Time for cycling has come in Seville

  • Updated26 April 2007
  • News

The Seville Metropolitan Transport Plan: Seville Mobility Scheme approved by the Regional Government of Andalusia is a comprehensive, and integrated scheme, environmentally sustainable which emphasizes efficiency, intermodality, social cohesion and promotes alternative modes like walking and cycling.

A 77 km network of cycle lanes is currently implemented and 2800 parking slots to accommodate 1500 bicycles available at 150 renting spots located in strategic places in the city.

The Seville Metropolitan Transport Consortium is developing a pilot project called BUS + BICI to promote the combine use of bus and bicycle as an alternative means of transport. The bicycle is free provided you have a day travel card.

Given the success of the experiment, an additional renting spot has been opened in the second major metropolitan bus terminal close to Prado San Sebastian Station. The Consortium provided a number of bicycles allowing 40% of its staff to go to work riding a bicycle.

Major changes are expected from the Transport Plan namely:

– increase in public transport patronage expected to reach a share of 50% for urban journeys and 15% in the total metropolitan area,

– reduction of pollution by 20%

– overall annual saving of € 21.1 million as a result of saving environmental cost and road fatalities.
