Tramway lines expand in Barcelona

  • Updated9 August 2007
  • News

The Trambaix line southwest of the conurbation expanded last April to reach Sant Feliu de Llobregat. The station allows interchange with local bus routes and a 65 slots park and ride facility. The expanded line now 15 km long serves 29 stops of which 3 are interchanges with underground metro and one with suburban trains.

The 51,000 passengers per day represent 26% increase over 2006. While the Trambesòs line north east expanded in May with four new stops making a total of 23 stops and 12 km long. Six stations connect with the underground and one with
local trains. Traffic on the line already increasing significantly during the year 2006 to attain 17,000 passengers per day (46%up) reaches now 21,000 passengers per day.

The layout of the Trambesòs tracks and the upgrading of the city highway have been carefully planned at the same time allowing a renewal of urban space for pedestrians and cyclist as well and a smooth integration, on a dedicated lane, of the Trambesòs. It also ensures a better commercial speed.