Turin prepares to host winter Olympics

  • Updated8 November 2005
  • News

In about 100 days, Torino will host the XX
Olympic Winter Games that will take place
from 10 February 2006.

Organisation of
world wide events welcoming thousands of
visitors put a strong pressure on transport
systems a wide range of projects are
undertaken to face the expected demand,
even if for winter Games, sports venues are
mainly located… in the mountains.

The main project of the city of Torino is the
construction of an automated line of metro
(VAL), based on the same technology as the
one in Lille or Toulouse.

The first section is
expected to enter in service in December. It
will serve 11 stations and will measure 7.6
kilometres. The cost of the project is
estimated €700 million, 60% funded by
the Italian State.

3 more stations and an
additional 1.6 kilometre of infrastructure are
already planned for 2007 and discussions are
taking place for a further extension of 4
kilometres representing 6 more stations.

trains will be able to transport 440 passengers,
offering a capacity of 13,200 passengers per hour with a minimum interval of 2 minutes.

Another infrastructure is currently in
development, but won’t be in service
for the Olympics: a North-South 4 tracks
rail link, consisting in a 12 kilometres
underground tunnel serving the main train

The Passante, as called, will be
used to run high frequency rail services,
linking the city with its suburbs and with
the Airport and also long distance trains.

This €1.2 billion infrastructure could be
entering in service in 2010.

