The President & the Board
EMTA is controlled by a board elected by the general meeting for a two-year renewable period. The current board, elected 5th november 2021, is as follows:

– President of EMTA:
- Trafikselskabet Movia (MOVIA – Copenhagen),
Mrs Dorthe Nøhr Pedersen
– Vice-President of EMTA:
- Ile-de-France Mobilités (IdFM – Paris / Ile de France),
Mr Laurent Probst
– Treasurer:
- Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM – Madrid),
Mrs Laura Delgado Hernandez
– Other members of the Board:
- Autoritat del Transport Metropolita (ATM – Barcelone),
Mr Lluis Alegre
- Zarząd Transportu Publicznego w Krakowie (ZTP – Krakow)
Mr Lukasz Franek
- Helsinki Region Transport Authority (HSL – Helsinki)
Mr Mika Nykänen
- Transport for London (TfL – London),
Mr Alex Williams
The Team of the Secretariat
Mr Alexandre Santacreu, Secretary-General, manages the association and reports to the President.
Mr Thomas Geier, Policy Advisor, supports the Secretary-General on a wide range of EU policy matters and technical questions, particularly on the subjects of MaaS/MDMS.
A Project Officer, Ms Zahraa Jawad, oversees the contribution of EMTA to the EU-funded project named UPPER (Unleashing the Potential of Public transport in EuRope.)
An Administrative Assistant will be recruited soon.
EMTA is organised on a voluntary basis into working groups on subjects decided jointly by the members.
Any Authority responsible for transport in a main European city or metropolitan area may become a member by applying to EMTA for membership.
EMTA general meetings are held at least once a year. Here are all the place where the meetings were organised :
- Paris (April 1998),
- Madrid (November 1998),
- Berlin (April 1999),
- Brussels (November 1999),
- Manchester (April 2000),
- Rome (November 2000),
- Prague (April 2001),
- Barcelona (November 2001),
- Dublin (May 2002),
- Frankfurt (October 2002),
- Vienna (February 2003),
- London (November 2003),
- Helsinki (June 2004),
- Seville (October 2004),
- Amsterdam (April 2005),
- Vilnius (September 2005),
- Stuttgart (May 2006),
- Lyon (October 2006),
- Bilbao (April 2007),
- Stockholm (October 2007),
- Turin (April 2008),
- Paris for the 10th anniversary (November 2008),
- Valencia (April 2009),
- Warsaw (November 2009),
- Budapest (April 2010),
- Barcelona (November 2010),
- Madrid (April 2011),
- Birmingham (November 2011),
- Prague (May 2012),
- Berlin (September 2012),
- Copenhagen (April 2013),
- Vienna (October 2013),
- Rotterdam (May 2014),
- London (October 2014),
- Oslo (May 2015),
- Vilnius (October 2015),
- Budapest (May 2016),
- Warsaw (October 2016),
- Helsinki (June 2017),
- Manchester (November 2017),
- Paris for the 20th anniversary (June 2018),
- Amsterdam (November 2018),
- Palma (April 2019)
- Turin (November 2019)
- Virtual meeting (November 2020) ; Copenhagen (May 2020) and Bilbao (November 2020) meetings cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemy
- Copenhagen (November 2021)
- Lisbon (May 2022)
- Vienna (October 2022)
- Oslo (May 2023)
The next meeting planned is:
- Barcelona for the 25th anniversary (25-27 October 2023)