EMTA Position papers

EMTA joins an open letter calling for a stronger role for public transport in the European legislation – 6 May 2024
Read the news piece about the open letter
Read the open letter

EMTA joins a coalition calling for more EU budget for local transport – 4 Apr 2024
More about the coalition
Read the leaflet

EMTA joins a coalition calling for greater support for urban nodes within the TEN-T – 3 Apr 2024
More about the Urban Nodes Alliance
Read the paper

The Barcelona Declaration calls for a greater recognition of the active and central role played by public transport authorities in delivering a broad range of policy goals – 27 Oct 2023
More about the Barcelona Declaration

EMTA Position: CO2 emissions targets on buses must not result in greater car use and accelerate climate change – 30 June 2023 
Read the paper

EMTA Open letter: Protect the legal framework for public transport services or undermine the Green Deal – 17 may 2022 
Read the letter & EMTA press release

EMTA Coalition political statement on the proposal by the European commission for a revision of the PSO interpretative guidelines – 4 may 2022
Read the document & EMTA press release

EMTA Open letter to Commissioner Frans Timmermans about Public transport authorities and the transition to zero-emission bus fleets – 21 december 2021.
Read the letter

EMTA with the broad stakeholder alliance lead by UITP has last week released a joint statement to a multitude of dignitaries in the European Union institutions to voice common opinions on the review of the European Urban Mobility Framework. – 23 september 2021
Joint stakeholder statement

The stakeholder alliance also sent an Open letter on the same subject – 10 november 2021
Open letter

UITP, EMTA, EPF, EPTO, and POLIS joint open letter calling on the EU to make 2022 the European Year of Rail and Public Transport – 3 June 2021

EMTA, POLIS and UITP joint position on EU-Wide integrated ticketing – 22 February 2021
Read the full opinion from POLIS, UITP, and EMTA

EMTA 11 other associations Joint letter to Mr Timmermans and Mrs Vălean about the european exit plan – 4 May 2020
Read the letter

EMTA Open letter to Presidents of European Commission, Parliament and Council towards Covid-19 crisis – 15 April 2020
Read the letter

A copy of this letter is also sent to mrs Adina-Ioana Valean, the EU Commissioner for Transport.
Read the letter

Their responses :

EMTA/POLIS Joint letter sent to EU commission for a green deal, need for clean bus market evolution – 2 December 2019
Read the letter

EMTA Declaration of Intent for the promotion of a scaled transition to zero emission buses – 8 june 2018 
EMTA declaration & EMTA Press Release

EMTA position on Directive on accessibility requirements for products and services (COM 2015/0278) – 24 october 2016 
EMTA Position

Response of EMTA to the survey of EC on the Midterm review of the 2011 EU Transport White Paper – 2 june 2015 
EMTA Position

EMTA position on Transport, tourism and trade for ITF Summit – 12 february 2015 

Joint letter UITP, Polis and EMTA to Mr Cox, TEN-T coordinator – 27 november 2014 
Read the letter

Joint press release UITP, EPTO and EMTA on Fourth Railway Package EU Council market pillar debate – 7 october 2014 
Read the Press release

Fourth railway package: support the process but express serious concerns about the compromise amendments – 12 december 2013 
Read the Press release

EMTA position on the Proposal for a modification of Regulation 1370/07 in the frame of the 4th Railway Package – 12 June 2013 
Read EMTA Position

This position has been adopted with the largest possible majority of EMTA members.

EMTA position on Guidelines for ITS deployment in Urban Areas, Multimodal Information – 21 may 2013 
Read EMTA Position

EMTA joint declaration made with CER, UITP and EPTO on the
EC proposal of Exemption of notification for State Aid – 29 January 2013
Read the declaration

EMTA remarks on proposal for a Directive on Public Procurement (COM (2011) 896 Final” – 3 July 2012 
Read EMTA remarks

EMTA position on the 2011 Transport White paper – 14 november 2011

EMTA message to B.Simpson on the White Paper revision 5 Oct 2010 
Read EMTA Position

EMTA reflexions on the rights of passengers in urban transport adressed to TRAN Comitee 31 may 2010 
Read EMTA Position

EMTA addresses Spanish Presidency, Minister of transports 01 february 2010 
Read EMTA letter

Consultation response from EMTA to EUROPEAN TRANSPORT POLICY (ETP) september 2009 
Read EMTA Position

EMTA addresses to members of European Parliament 
Read EMTA Position

EMTA supports initiative for a European Policy on Urban Mobility 
Read EMTA Position

Message of the association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) to the Europen Council, the European parliament and the European Commission. (December 2008) 
Read EMTA message

Contribution of the association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) to the Green Paper consultation of the European Commission “Towards a new culture for urban mobility” 
Read the Position

Contribution of the association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) to the Green Paper of the European Commission on Urban Transport 
Read the Position

Position on the draft regulation proposal on public service obligations in the field of public transport COM(2005)319 (May 2006) 

Position on the mid-term review of the White Paper on European Transport Policy (December 2005) 
EMTA Position on white paper 

Charter of commitment of the transport authorities of the European metropolitan areas concerning the accessibility of public transport systems to people with reduced mobility (February 2003) 

Position of the transport authorities of EMTA on the Green Paper of the European Commission on services of general interest (July 2003) 
EMTA Position

Expectations of the public transport authorities of the European large cities for the future of public transport (April 2003) 
EMTA Position

Position of EMTA on the project of the new European Regulation on public service requirements and the award of public service contracts in passenger transport by rail, road and inland waterway (March 2003) 
EMTA Position

Position of EMTA on the project of European Regulation on public service requirements and contracts in the field of public transport, as released by the European Commission on 21st February 2002 (May 2002) 
EMTA Position

Position of EMTA transport authorities on the proposal of the European Commission to harmonise taxation of commercial diesel fuel (December 2002) 
EMTA Position

Position of EMTA on the White Paper of the European Commission on the Future of the European Transport Policy (December 2001) 
EMTA Position